
Pizza Ranch Community Impact @ Pizza Ranch
Mar 13 @ 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

FHL Academy students will bus tables, clean and tell al about our school. 10% of proceeds for both the restaurant and Fun Zone will be graciously donated to FHL Academy.

Rural Impact Leadership Conference Alexandria @ Alexandria Covenant Church
Mar 15 @ 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
A one-day leadership training event for rural and small town ministry leaders and pastors. This conference is led by a partnership between the leadership of Oak Hills Christian College/Fellowship, the Evangelical Covenant NW Conference & their national Town & Country Commission, and Transform MN. Onsite and online participation options are available. Registration information and a detailed schedule are available at Oak Hills President Martin Giese will be the opening speaker.
Game Night Fundraiser Gala @ Oak Hills Schreiber Activity Center
Mar 21 @ 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Kingdom Builders Christian School is hosting their annual Game Night Fundraiser Gala, Friday March 21 starting at 5:30, at the Schreiber Activities Center on the Oak Hills Christian College campus. Tickets are $50 and includes an Italian buffet dinner, silent auction items, raffles, corn hole, trivia, and more! If you would like to help in any way, or purchase tickets, contact the school at 218-444-5227. Get your tickets at the school or at the Your QFM Studio in Bemidji! Food, fellowship, and fundraising! All proceeds go directly to KBCS to make education more affordable for students and their families. For donation questions, contact Janee Hill at 218-766-0881.

Faith E Free Undivided Conference @ Faith Evangelical Free Church
Mar 22 @ 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Undivided: Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ logo

We live in a world that bombards us with enticing distractions. While some distractions may be harmless, others bring great danger to our holiness, our commitment to Christ, and even the gospel. Join us on Saturday, March 22nd, for fellowship, worship, and teaching that calls us to pursue undivided devotion to Christ. Registration Check-ins start at 8:30 am. Four sessions and lunch will conclude by 3:30 pm. We will consider what the Apostle Paul calls “sincere and pure devotion” as Dr. Andy Naselli leads us to a proper grasp of God’s sanctifying work.

Registration rates and discounts:

Early Bird discount for registrants is open until 12:30 a.m., February 24th.

  • Registrants aged 24 and older, the standard cost is $50, with Early Bird pricing at $30.
  • Registrants aged 23 and under, standard cost is $15 with Early Bird pricing at $10.
  • Registration includes lunch [TBD].
Cabin Fever Auction Solway @ Lammers Town Hall
Mar 22 @ 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

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Meal starting at noon with auction starting at 1:00 pm. The meal is pulled pork sandwiches, jumbo hot dogs, chips, pickles, and sweets for everyone. Eric Mickelson is our auctioneer again this year!!!! Come bid on all kinds of items. Baskets of goodies, baked goods, quilts, handmade items, and who knows what else!

The Beast Feast @ Solway Bible Chapel
Mar 22 @ 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Beast Feast! March 22nd, 6pm at the church. All boys and men are invited, with Keith Cline bringing a message. If you would like to, you can bring a wild game, meat dish, or veggie dish to share! This is going to be a great night of God, food, and fellowship!
“Ultimate Super Star”-FHL Academy Dinner Theater @ FHL Academy
Mar 27 @ 6:00 PM
FHL Academy Dinner Theater presents “Ultimate Super Star” on Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28 at 6:00 PM. $25 ticket includes appetizers, main course and dessert. Children 13 and under are $15. For tickets contact any FHL student, call 218-694-2048, or go online: FHL Academy is located at 18633 350th St Bagley, MN. Visit

“Ultimate Super Star”-FHL Academy Dinner Theater @ FHL Academy
Mar 28 @ 6:00 PM
FHL Academy Dinner Theater presents “Ultimate Super Star” on Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28 at 6:00 PM. $25 ticket includes appetizers, main course and dessert. Children 13 and under are $15. For tickets contact any FHL student, call 218-694-2048, or go online: FHL Academy is located at 18633 350th St Bagley, MN. Visit

Worthy Woman’s Conference Epiphany Station TRF @ Epiphany Station
May 3 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


* Save the date *
We are inviting women from all walks of life, churches and communities, ages 13 and up to join us for a morning of celebrating who Christ is and our worthiness through Him.
* Speakers, refreshments and door prizes.
* No tickets necessary
* More details to follow
This will be “Worthy” of your time!

Habitat for Humanity Breakfast & Raffle @ Bemidji Eagles Club
May 8 @ 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

We are excited to announce our 2025 Raffle to raise funds for building homes in our community! A total of 1000 tickets will be sold for $20 for four prizes – A beautiful She-Shed, an awesome Airhead WaterMat, a Premium Ice Fishing Package, and $500 in cash. More details on the prizes can be found below. The prize drawing will be held on May 8, 2025 at our Hammer & Eggs Breakfast at the Bemidji Eagles Club. You do not need to be present to win. Tickets will be sold by Habitat volunteers. You can also use the form below and we will call you.