Full Gospel Fellowship Men’s Prayer Breakfast
4111 Technology Dr NW
The Bemidji Full Gospel Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be held Saturday, April 5 in the Beltrami Electric Conference Room (4111 Technology Dr NW). Starting at 8am, there will be a light breakfast followed by a time of music and the sharing of testimony. This month’s featured speaker is David Eslaminazari.
David’s Bio:
Hello, my name is David Eslaminazari, and I’m honored to have this opportunity to share my journey with you. I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran-a city of nearly 10 million people. I graduated high school with a focus on mathematics and physics, but in 2020-21, I decided to pursue higher education in the United States. After learning English and applying to colleges, I traveled to Armenia to obtain my visa, where I ended up staying for over two months before finally arriving in Bemidji to study music at BSU.
I grew up not believing in God, but everything changed during my time in Armenia. While staying with a local family who rented me a room, I was introduced to Jesus for the first time. That encounter set me on a path that led to a deep and personal faith. When I arrived in Bemidji, I connected with the House of Prayer, where I met incredible people who helped me grow even more in my relationship with Christ.
I look forward to sharing more of my story with you and diving into the incredible ways God has worked in my life.
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