
The Call to the Capitol MN

April 13, 2024 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM America/North Dakota/Center Timezone
MN State Capitol, Upper Lawn
St. Paul
Jennifer Pageler
(701) 305-0336

The Call to the Capitol is a prayer event happening at in all 50 states on the same day in cooperation with the #DontMessWithOurKids movement. It is a call for believers all across Minnesota to gather at the Capitol to seek the Lord’s face to fast, repent, pray, and stand for our children, families, state, and nation. This is truly an Esther moment! The event will include prayer as well as worship, and communion together on the State Capitol lawn. Free parking at the Capitol will be available. For more information, to volunteer, or to register for this free event go to: and find us on Facebook: Minnesota – Call to the State Capitol.

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